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Yellow Flowers
Discover your power, Claim your wholeness, Heal your life..png

$20 per person

That nagging feeling of something wanting to come out into the light of day to be noticed, honored, and healed? We will encourage you and convince you that you are never powerless, you are powerful. You can distinguish between “I feel” and “I am.” You can heal at the level of thought. You can pivot between intellectual and intuitive wisdom. You can discover your power, claim your wholeness, and heal your life. Let’s begin. Based on Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett and Alicia Whitsett’s book, This Life is Yours: Discover Your Power, Claim Your Wholeness, and Heal Your Life

What if you noticed that healing is not about curing a condition? Not about believing something could be missing, broken, or wrong about you that needs to be corrected? What if you knew healing as your courageous realization of the wholeness at the heart of you, your decision to live well now, regardless of your circumstances!

Book signing in the CommUNITY Room after the 11:00 service.

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Address: 8103 Broadway, Suite 210

San Antonio, TX 78209

Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Phone: (210) 824-7351

Email: Click HERE to contact us

Sunday Morning Meditation: 10:30 a.m.

Sunday Service: 11:00 a.m.

Youth Ministry: 11:00 a.m.


Sanctuary Location:

1723 Lawndale

San Antonio, TX 78209

How can you support Unity of San Antonio with Intentional Giving?

  • Click Donate button below to use Paypal or credit card.

  • Pick up extra envelopes Sunday and mail in your donation.

  • To set up ongoing monthly bank auto drafts or credit card donations, contact the Unity office


Thank you!

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