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People holding hands, praying

Prayer Chaplains

Prayer Chaplains

Our Vision

The Prayer Chaplain’s vision is to see and hold the true Divine Nature of each person in
our commUnity and in the world. In doing so we uplift those prayed with to see the
Divine Truth of who they are.

Prayer  Chaplains serve our CommUNITY in affirmative prayer. Prayer Chaplains support people on their spiritual journey by creating and holding sacred space with others. They listen and hold what is heard in the strictest confidence. Prayer Chaplains pray with others and they are available to pray with you! 

Prayer Chaplains are available every Sunday at our 11:00 am service. You'll notice them sitting quietly in a meditation throughout our service. Feel free to approach them after the service, they will gladly pray about any concerns or celebrations you have. You may also complete a Prayer Intention Card or fill out the form by hitting the button below.

Top of the prayer tower at Unity Village

Over 130 years of prayer! The staff a Silent Unity are available for your every day of the year!

Call:  816-969-2000 (6am-midnight)
st online

Mail request to: Unity Prayer Minister

                             1901 NW Blue Parkway

                             Unity Village, MO 64065

Silent Unity

The 5 Step Unity Prayer Process
Embrace the Silence
Give Thanks
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Meet your current prayer chaplains

From left to right: Jim Jagger, Jeannetta Davis, Robin Tefft, Karen Cozean, Donna Burkholder, Marsha Hendrix


Who Do You Think You Are?

Who do you think you are? That phrase is most often used in a negative context. Perhaps you heard that as a child after exerting some newfound inner confidence. Or maybe, you thought that to yourself after listening to someone expound on a topic without real understanding.

 Let’s flip that though.  Do you know who you truly are? “Do you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” (I Corinthians 3:16). There is only One Presence, One Infinite Source of All that Is … God, Divine Spirit, Source however we wish to call it. That essence that substance is omnipresent so therefore wherever you are God is. You are One with the Divine everywhere and always. 

Rev. Nina in her book Always, Only One says this: “Knowing that All that God is I am, I know that my good is come. God is expressing and blessing through me, and I am awake to the deep knowing of the Oneness of Life, of God. There is only One Power, and I am a living reflection of that knowing.”

Take that in…We are One with God. Just as the waves cannot be separate from the ocean, we cannot be separate from the Infinite Source of All that is. YOU are a spiritual being having a human experience. YOU are an expression of the Divine Spirit. That is the Truth of who you are and as that expression of the Divine “You matter” as Rev. Nina reminds us on Sunday mornings.

Perhaps extending a helping hand or speaking a kind word doesn’t seem particularly significant to you.  Yet those are human expressions of the divine spirit… God’s presence working through you. As you become increasingly aware of who you truly are, allow yourself to celebrate the magnificent ways in which you show up in the world. Celebrate that you are loved and loving.  Your smile, your kind words, your presence matters. 

Who you are and what you do is a blessing to the world.




Address: 8103 Broadway, Suite 210

San Antonio, TX 78209

Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Phone: (210) 824-7351

Email: Click HERE to contact us

Sunday Morning Meditation: 10:30 a.m.

Sunday Service: 11:00 a.m.

Youth Ministry: 11:00 a.m.


Sanctuary Location:

1723 Lawndale

San Antonio, TX 78209

How can you support Unity of San Antonio with Intentional Giving?

  • Click Donate button below to use Paypal or credit card.

  • Pick up extra envelopes Sunday and mail in your donation.

  • To set up ongoing monthly bank auto drafts or credit card donations, contact the Unity office


Thank you!

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